Saturday, May 5, 2007

Shooting Begins for El Bob

We were able to perform several interviews over the weekend and we have to thank Photographer John Fry for the use of his studio and lighting facility. His oversight, along with the vision of Rod Russell-Ides, produced a unique look that was inspired by the 1981 Oscar-winning film Reds. Directed by Warren Beatty, Reds chronicles the life of Communist writer John Reed, author of Ten Days that Shook the World. The film includes interviews with "witnesses," shot against a black backdrop with hot lights on the right side.

This dramatic visual effect will be featured throughout the El Bob documentary. Several more interviews are scheduled for next month, and we're working on getting funding/access for the New York trip to interview James Hillman. Details on the time and location of the summer fundraiser are forthcoming. Thanks also goes out to Bradley Harding, Lampkin Lane Productions, for lending out his editing and production software.